4 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Botox


Many people get cosmetic Botox and have great experiences with it. Botox is a great way to get rid of those wrinkles on your face that you might not like and get your skin to appear and feel tighter and younger. However, if this is your first time using Botox there are couple things you need to know before you give it a try. 1. It Can Make You Look More Serious

8 May 2015

Beauty Tips To Get You Ready For Spring


The snow might still be melting on the side of the road, but the reappearance of birds and hay fever can only mean one thing -- spring is right around the corner. But you've spent the long, cold winter months neglecting your beauty routine -- after all, it's pointless to meticulously groom yourself when you're going to be wearing hats for five months -- and you need to get ready for floaty skirts and flowery headbands fast.

19 March 2015