4 Things To Know About Volume Lashes


If you are interested in changing your lashes' appearance, one type of lash extension or procedure you should consider are volume lashes. Volume lashes are a newer technique that has only become available in the United States in the last few years. Volume lashes were originally called Russian volume lashes due to the origin of this eyelash extension technique originating in the Ukraine and Russia. Volume Lashes Are About Texture and Depth

18 November 2020

4 Reasons To Invest In A Custom Made Wig


When you wear wings, you want them to look and feel good. There are many different quality levels available, so not all wigs look that great and it may be noticeable that you're wearing a wig. The good news is you can invest in quality wigs so that you feel confident and you look your very best. Getting your wigs custom made is a good idea. Here are some reasons to invest in a custom made wig: 

15 June 2020

How to Combat Excessive Sweating


Sweating is a natural biological function. When you get too hot, your body sweats. The evaporation of sweat off your skin lowers your body temperature, which prevents overheating. Unfortunately, sweat can cause unwanted body odor to develop. Some people sweat more than others. If you sweat enough that it causes problems in your everyday life, you may have a condition called hyperhidrosis. People with hyperhidrosis sweat excessively. If you're one of those people, here are four steps you can take to remedy the problem.

13 January 2020